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CBD:here are the 9 benefits of this incredible oil

Today, CBD or cannabidiol, a molecule present in cannabis leaves, has become commonplace. Cosmetics brands are snapping it up and our favorite restaurateurs are making a star ingredient ! Many stores have even opened their doors to let us enjoy the benefits of this little plant. However, as popular as she is, she can still divide people's minds, and for good reason. Very close cousin of THC , CBD has too often remained in its shadow. Yet, while CBD and THC have similarities, they oppose in relation to the effects they provide to the consumer. Numerous studies have proven the psychological benefits of CBD. We tell you the secrets around this ingredient, and how to include it in your daily life!

CBD:its many benefits

If the CBD is still unknown to some people, it is destined to become a must in our daily lives. The medical profession acclaims it for its virtues on our health, but also for our skin and our well-being. This molecule helps to strengthen the immune system and strengthen the body. In herbal tea, it is our ally against temporary sluggishness or insomnia. The world of cosmetics tears it up for what it brings to our skin. It is recognized for its effectiveness in reducing the signs of aging and fight skin dryness . Some studies claim that CBD may support the treatment of conditions such as eczema , psoriasis and acne . This molecule contributes to the good renewal of our skin and to preserve its balance.

CBD:where to get it

Today, it is very simple to enjoy the benefits of CBD. Many shops exist to offer you products containing it. Thus, it is possible for everyone to adopt it according to their desires and preferences of consumption. In a cookie, or herbal tea for non-smokers and in liquid for electronic cigarettes for others. Restaurants are innovating and sprucing up their recipes to serve it to their customers. It is now possible to enjoy good little CBD burgers. For those who wish to make it a beauty ally, cosmetic brands are also reinventing themselves . It is now possible to find many creams and treatments containing CBD.

CBD:and on the legal side?

When we think of CBD, the question of legal always comes back. Associated with THC, this molecule raises questions. It is since 2020 that the sale and consumption of CBD has been legalized. The most common products are CBD oil and flower. However, to be marketed, these products must not contain more than 0.2% THC. CBD is subject to very strict regulations and it is important to know the needs of your body to consume it!