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Teeth whitening:is it really risky for our enamel?

The masks are gradually falling, summer is ending which announces the arrival of the beautiful autumn season, enough to make us smile! And what could be better than a dazzling smile worthy of Hollywood stars? Although we dream of it, it is difficult to reach. Finally, we can have white teeth, but who illuminates us naturally? Not really possible. This is why there are dental whitenings. This popular practice promises a Colgate smile to anyone who adopts it. Problem, although it makes you dream, it is often at the expense of our teeth . Before taking the plunge, we tell you what our enamel is really at risk with tooth whitening.

Dental whitening risks:know everything before starting

Before jumping into the deep end to wear a flamboyant smile, there are a few things to know. First of all, it seems important to us to remind you that it is necessarily to go through a professional for teeth whitening. Dentists have products that are checked and validated by government standards. This way, you do not risk putting your health at risk. Moreover, bleaching is only doneon permanent and healthy teeth . It is essential to know that even if done by a professional, dental bleaching has consequences on our enamel if done improperly. Due to the products used, our enamel can be weakened . Bleaching can cause hypersensitivity especially to the cold, of our teeth. The products tend to alter our enamel , which never regenerates. Finally, bleaching can also cause irritation to our mucous membranes oral. It is therefore recommended to use this technique once a year maximum.

Dental whitening risks:what's next?

Have you decided to try the ultra white smile experience? And know that it does happen. Indeed, when you perform teeth whitening, it only lasts if you take care of it. It is important to know that repeated bleaching can lead to rapid rerecoiling of teeth . And yes, as our enamel is damaged, stains invite themselves more easily to our teeth. After each consumption of colored food or drink, you should rinse your mouth or brush your teeth to avoid altering the whiteness. Clearly, having white teeth is good, but being healthy is better!