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3 yoga positions for dummies to do at home

Bikram, aerial, hatha, or urban, or against insomnia, or for pregnancy,... There are so many forms of yoga that we are completely lost! And since, yes, we're lazy, and no, we don't have only that to do, rather than worrying about what suits us best sgreugneugneu, we start by practicing at home, tranquillou, after a good hot tea and a good shower (also hot), all without worrying.

And we are lucky! Because in addition to all the video lessons available on YouTube, there is also the very practical book of yoga teacher Françoise Colombo, just released:"Yoga - Foundations, postures and exercises". Tip top!

1/ The cat posture (2 minutes)

An easy position to start! We get on all fours and we round our back like a cat, we breathe then we resume our initial position before rounding our back again. We do the exercise for 2 minutes like this, our "vertebral axis" is relaxed. Meow!

> See the posture in video by clicking here

2/ Rocking (1 minute)

Not complicated either. We lie down on our back. We bring our knees towards us then…we rock back and forth. Hop, hop, hop! It's funny, it relaxes and it massages the cervical gutters! Youpiiii!

> For the soft ones, there is also the front rocking, on video here (ouch ouch!)

3/ Sun Salutations or Suryanamaskar (3 minutes)

There, it gets a bit trickier... Standing up, stand straight and join your palms against your chest, prayerfully, before raising your hands palms up to the sky as if to warm up with the sun (or our lamp), then you exhale while leaning towards the ground to touch our feet (it pulls!), we extend one leg back then the other to do the plank (have the abs!), then we do the snake (?) before lifting the buttocks towards the sky (???), then… Ok, I think it's impossible to explain this posture without illustration. So I'll stop there and let you see the video.

> See the posture in video by clicking here

Good session!

Françoise Colombo,Yoga – Foundations, postures and exercises , Eyrolles, 2015. Price:10 euros