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Home remedies for wet cough

Grandma's remedy:relieve your wet cough with herbal teas and juices

In addition to being healing, herbal teas and juices are delicious. To relieve your wet cough, infuse thyme in hot water. Add the juice of half a lemon and a spoon of honey and taste the preparation before it cools. The antiseptic virtues of the thyme will treat the evil at the source, the lemon will bring you vitamin C and give you some energy while the honey will soothe your throat. The grape invigorates the lungs and is expectorant. Drinking grape juice can help you beat your wet cough. To drink also in juice, the onion, which calms the irritation. To prepare the drink, cut an onion and mash it with a pestle or spoon. Collect the juice, add a tablespoon of honey and leave for 5-6 hours. Consume the preparation 2 times a day for 2 or 3 days. The honey obscures the taste of the onion a little, but the mixture retains a slightly unpleasant flavor. Grandma's latest remedy for overcoming a wet cough is extremely simple. All you need to do is squeeze a lemon and mix the juice with warm water and honey. However, this mixture should not be drunk when you wake up, as lemon is acidic and can attack the stomach if consumed on an empty stomach.

Grandmother's remedy:eucalyptus to treat wet cough

Eucalyptus is used in inhalation. Just put 5 drops of essential oil in a bowl of hot water and breathe in the steam for about ten minutes. Do not prolong the exposure for more than fifteen minutes and close your eyes to avoid any irritation. Eucalyptus will decongest your bronchial tubes and relieve your wet cough.