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Home remedies:decongest your stuffy nose

To breathe better, inhale essential oils!

Peppermint has multiple applications. Recognized by the European Medicines Agency as a treatment for the common cold, it is particularly effective in decongesting a stuffy nose. If you're having trouble breathing, run and buy some peppermint essential oil! Put 3 drops in a bowl of hot water and inhale the steam. Do not hold the inhalation for more than fifteen minutes and close your eyes to avoid any irritation.

Wild thyme and eucalyptus essential oils are also effective in decongesting a stuffy nose. The first contains antiseptic substances that will help you beat your cold. Place 5 drops of product in a bowl of hot water and inhale under the same conditions as the peppermint preparation. For immediate and less time-consuming effectiveness, you can flavor your tissues with a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil. The latter consists mainly of 1,8-cineole, an effective compound to decongest the upper airways.

To decongest your stuffy nose, bet on seawater to clean it

No secrets, to get over your cold quickly, you need to keep your nose clean. The ideal is to clean it with the help of seawater preparation. Natural and effective, they can simply be bought in pharmacies. Salt solutions clean the nasal passages, and decongest the bony growths located in the nose which swell in the event of a cold. Seawater is a grandmother's solution that allows both to unclog your nose in a lasting way, and to heal quickly from your disease.