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Heavy legs:grandmother's remedies to relieve them

Cure of veinotonics

Some plants can stimulate venous return and fight against heavy legs. Horse chestnut is one of the plants used to treat the symptoms of venous insufficiency. It contains active ingredients that protect and stimulate the walls of veins and small blood vessels. It also reduces inflammation and swelling.

Red vine and witch hazel leaves are also known for their veinotonic effect. They reduce the swelling of the legs and improve the quality of the vein walls.

Massage with essential oils

The massage relieves the feeling of fatigue and heaviness due to heavy legs. It is advisable to perform the massage with essential oils with decongestant and vasoconstrictor effects. To do this:

  1. Mix 40 drops of cypress essential oil, 20 drops of lentisk essential oil and 20 drops of peppermint essential oil.
  2. Dilute the mixture with hazelnut vegetable oil.
  3. Use this mixture to massage your legs from bottom to top once or twice a day to boost blood circulation.

Please note that the use of essential oils is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Wearing compression stockings

For people who have to sit or stand for a long time, it is advisable to wear compression stockings. This medical device improves the venous and lymphatic system. It is effective for heavy legs. Nowadays, compression stockings are aesthetic and exist in a wide variety of models. They look like classic tights.

Playing sports

The pressure exerted on the soles of the feet when walking stimulates blood circulation. It is therefore recommended to walk daily for about thirty minutes. Swimming is also recommended to stimulate blood circulation while working all the muscles of the body.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle and being overweight are aggravating factors for heavy legs. If massage or wearing compression stockings can relieve the symptoms, adopting a healthy lifestyle is essential to effectively fight against heavy legs.