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Heavy legs:what are the symptoms?

What causes heavy legs?

Heavy legs are one of the symptoms of poor blood circulation. Blood is not efficiently returned to the heart through the veins in the legs. This is venous insufficiency. Because of this, the blood stagnates in the lower limbs. Different factors favor the appearance of heavy legs:

Sedentary lifestyle

By sitting too long, the veins do not experience any pressure from the muscles located at the level of the calves. These contractions, however, help to raise the blood upwards. In the absence of these pressures, the return to the heart is more difficult.


The veins dilate under the effect of the heat and the blood rises with difficulty. The feeling of heavy legs is thus aggravated during periods of great heat, in the event of underfloor heating or following exposure of the legs to the sun.


The risk of developing venous disease increases with the number of affected relatives.

Extended standing position

Standing too long slows the return of blood to the heart and thus increases the feeling of heavy legs.


Fatty tissue can compress veins and slow venous return. According to the figures, about 29% of people with a BMI of more than 27 are more likely to be affected by heavy legs.

What are the symptoms of heavy legs?

The main symptom is the feeling of heaviness in the legs. It may be accompanied by other signs such as numbness, tingling, tingling, cramps, pain in the legs or even swelling in the legs. The affected person also feels fatigue in the legs

How to prevent heavy legs?

The practice of physical activities helps maintain good blood circulation. The preferred activities are walking and swimming. If you are affected by heavy legs, avoid hot baths, hot wax hair removal, sun exposure or the sauna. Wear compression stockings on long plane rides. Avoid wearing tight clothes.