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Erectile dysfunction:top 9 foods to eat to avoid it

We all know the famous blow of the breakdown. The one where in the middle of a hot moment, our partner's penis (or ours) decides to cease all activity. Between frustration and annoyance , this is the moment that all men dread. And if on an occasional basis, it can make his or her partner laugh, we preferred that this not happen at all. However, it is quite common. Six out of ten men (61%) have already encountered it at least once in their life, according to an Ifop study. In case of frequent erectile problem, it is recommended to consult a professional. If it happens occasionally , there are little tricks food to avoid them. Here are the foods to eat to avoid erection problems.

Erectile dysfunction:these allies to put on your plate

Omega-3s, fiber, and a good calcium intake can be of great help in case of erectile problems. Many scientists recommend adopting a Mediterranean diet . According to a recent study, researchers found that men who ate a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, and unsaturated fats, low in meat and whole dairy products , were less likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction. Other foods boost testosterone levels e and nitric oxide. We think of beets , with watermelon , oats or ginger and garlic , which promote better erectile function. At the edge of the beach you will be more delighted to enjoy a seafood platter. The oysters would be the allies of men to maintain better erectile vitality thanks to their zinc content.