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Benefits of ginger:9 reasons to consume it regularly

We made it our beauty ally to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, promote hair growth, and even boost our sexual desire. Originally from Asia, and grown in a tropical climate, ginger has entered Western culture as a significant ingredient. Many women have also adopted it in their slimming routine thanks to its slimming properties and its appetite suppressant effect. But the power of ginger doesn't stop there. This small root also has many benefits for our health , and we tell you how to take advantage of it.

Ginger:its health benefits

Numerous studies have demonstrated the power of ginger on our health. The gingerols found in ginger have a potent anti-inflammatory effect. They would relieve ailments linked to osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis . It is also a great ally to facilitate our digestion and avoid constipation and abdominal cramps. This ingredient is also not to be neglected to replenish energy thanks to its anti-fatigue properties . Specialists recommend it to prevent type 2 diabetes , because it helps lower blood sugar (glycaemia). It relieves effectively both migraine than colds and sore throat. Its advantage is that it is also low in calories and can therefore be consumed without the risk of increasing the number on the scale. An Australian study has proven that ginger is a powerful anticoagulant , even more effective than aspirin.

Be careful though, it is advisable to seek the advice of your doctor before including it in your routine, in case of pregnancy, and for children under 6 years old.

Ginger:how to enjoy it

To enjoy the benefits of ginger , there are many ways to include it in our routine. If the best known remains via the drink thanks to the herbal tea , with a little honey and tea, we can also put some in our little dishes. Ginger powder is very easy to find , which will enhance the taste of our preparations while being beneficial for our health. It can also be taken as a food supplement in pharmacies or consume it as is by eating a small amount daily.