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9 plants to consume to overcome mental fatigue

Countering this anxiety-provoking climate with plants? We say yes a thousand times, and that, thanks to adaptogenic plants . These starlets of Chinese medicine, are recognized as being actors of size to fight against stress and all forms of mental fatigue. In these particularly difficult times, these plants are therefore more than ever to be included in our daily routine.

Adaptogenic plants:what are they and how to include them in our daily life?

Adaptogenic Plants are a group of plants with anti-stress properties . These herbs have a regulating action on our metabolism, they improve our mood , regulate our cortisol (stress hormone), strengthen our immune system and reduce fatigue. In herbal teas, decoctions, powders or capsules , and even in oil, plant adaptogens are very simple to include in our daily routine. Caffeine-free and non-toxic, these plants are real assets that should not be overlooked. However, before consuming it, it is essential to ask your doctor for advice in case of doubts about their effects.

Which plant for which benefit?

Adaptogenic plants are numerous; and if they all have the function of helping us fight against stress and depression, each plant has its particularity to make it our best ally. For example, you can adopt the Eleutherococcus to improve your health or Siberian ginseng to strengthen your endurance and regulate your stress. Or choose the rhodiola rosea for its toning and energizing properties, or Ashwagandha for its regenerative and rejuvenating properties, each plant has its strengths to convince us to try it. You can even find everyday plants such as holy basil and its anti-stress properties to optimize our immune system or the turmeric root and its anti-inflammatory properties to boost good mood and energy.

A plant for each period of our life

For young people, often under constant stress (exams, young mothers with an extreme mental workload, work pressure) eleutherococcus will prove to be a perfect ally . This plant is indeed suitable for people undergoing unbearable stress, as it helps to stimulate physical endurance and intellectual energy.

rhodiola rosea she will be the partner of thirty and forty-year-olds in full professional fire or with too heavy a family mental load. For good reason, this plant is the enemy of burn-out and promotes a revival of good humor which will stimulate the production of dopamine, responsible for envy, motivation, enthusiasm, joie de vivre.

In the middle of peri-menopause? Maca is clearly your best friend. This plant has many benefits to combat the negative psychological effects of this period of a woman's life and plays a considerable role in sexual functions and libido.

Finally, if you are over fifty, ginseng is definitely your ally. This plant will help you boost your immune system, as well as fight the effects of aging on your brain and physique.

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