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Fatigue:top 9 superfoods to eat to replenish your vitality!

Although the season is conducive to holidays, for various reasons our energy may not be at its peak. Between a nap and a vitamin cure, our heart swings, but we rarely think about adapting our diet. And yes, whether physical or moral, fatigue can be reduced thanks to our plates. Some foods are our allies to recharge the batteries . If you want to be fit for the start of the school year, this article is for you. Here are the foods to eat to fight fatigue !

Anti-fatigue foods:compose your plates well

To fight against the first signs of fatigue, we must take care of our plates. It is not without surprise that our diet has a considerable impact on our physical and moral condition. To avoid slack, here are the foods not to forget on his shopping list. In our daily foods, some are real allies. Between the banana , the kiwi and cocoa , we will fill up with minerals and vitamins that boost our immune system. Less common, but definitely effective, ginger and saffron . These two spices are essential to fight against severe fatigue and overwork. Against all expectations, the queen of our aperitifs, I named the Brazil nut, has its place in the list. A single Brazil nut is sufficient to replenish selenium, a trace element that plays an essential role in the functioning of the immune system.

Anti-fatigue foods:the unsuspected

To regain energy and get rid of fatigue, you sometimes have to get out of your comfort zone. Some foods that we would not have thought of are in fact real allies against fatigue. For example, we can count on royal jelly and its stimulating effect to avoid the effects of stress, overwork and moral fatigue. We will also use spirulina daily to take advantage of its energizing active ingredients. Finally, really less common but definitely effective, nettle powder. It will bring us all the minerals necessary to fight against fatigue, as well as silica, to fix them well.