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Top 12 foods for good blood circulation

The lawyer

In case of poor blood circulation, one of the foods to favor is avocado. Admittedly, it is fatty with 22 g of lipids per 100 g, but it is rich in vitamin E. The avocado is thus an excellent vascular protector. It is thus to be integrated into its menu to take advantage of its benefits. It is to be consumed once a week at least to obtain results.

Red fruits

Containing vitamin P, red fruits contribute to the strengthening of the vein walls. Red fruits also contain anthocyanins which increase the resistance of blood vessels while promoting blood fluidity. The fruits richest in anthocyanins are strawberries, cherries, raspberries and blueberries.

Vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C

Certain minerals and vitamins promote good blood circulation by thinning the blood, including vitamin C. Vegetables are excellent for health, choose those rich in vitamin C to fight against venous insufficiency. The vegetables and fruits richest in vitamin C are:blackcurrant, peppers, guava, kiwi, papaya, lychee, red cabbage, strawberries, broccoli...

The red grape

Rich in mineral salts, red grapes also contain vitamins, including vitamin P which contributes to the protection of capillaries. In addition, the red grape has draining actions. Drinking grape juice from time to time thus helps to improve blood circulation. You can also drink a glass of red wine a day. Red vine is also known for its action on the health of the venous system. It is consumed as an infusion and notably helps to combat the symptom of heavy legs.


Rich in vitamin E, walnuts help maintain healthy blood vessels. Consume nuts regularly to benefit from its health benefits. In addition, nuts contain fatty acids that are beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Olive oil and rapeseed oil

Limit the consumption of animal fats and favor vegetable oils, especially rapeseed oil and olive oil. They contain essential fatty acids and help preserve the cardiovascular system.