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Cuddling our baby is good for our health!

Our baby's skin is soft, it smells good (well, when his diaper is clean…), it makes you want to cuddle a lot while making strange noises and faces…And in fact, nature is great well done (even if we sometimes look like noodles), because these gestures of tenderness would also be… very good for our health!

Presented at the American National Conference of the Academy of Pediatrics, a study by the "Children's National Health System" of Washington indicates that these moments of sweetness would help us to lower our level of stress.éWe found that all the mothers we followed planes saw their stress level decrease after contact with their baby's skin," says Dr. Natalia Isaza, who participated in the study.

According to the scientist, the reason for this "superpower" granted by Mother Nature to Baby would be simple:stress can affect the relationship between parents and their offspring, be bad for breastfeeding and for the mother who has already suffered a lot. So we don't hesitate. Hugs!