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Stop the prejudices:coffee is good for your health!

For a long time we were told that coffee should not be abused too much during the day. Sleep disturbances and punctual excitations, these two factors do not mix well for our body.

But drinking coffee is also taking care of your health. Amazing? We explain to you.

Last February, a committee of independent experts from the US government discovered the many benefits that coffee brings to our bodies. Myriam Nelson, member of this committee explains:"We have seen a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease, Parkinson's, diabetes and certain cancers .

But no rush! Coffee does not cure disease, let alone cancer. This is what Tom Brenna, also a member of this commission of experts, is keen to point out:“What the commission has found by analyzing the many past studies is that drinking three to five cups of coffee daily has no negative consequences on the health of the general population .

In addition to preventing diseases such as Alzheimer's or multiple sclerosis, work by researchers from Harvard, carried out in 2011, showed that women who drank at least four cups of coffee a day had a 20% lower risk of depression.

In other words, what you have to remember is that everything is good, butter, bread, chocolate and wine, provided you don't overdo it. Drinking coffee is therefore not harmful to health, on the contrary it would provide us with additional immune defenses. But let's not fall into the trap, coffee does not work miracles, it wakes you up!