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Bed bugs prefer certain colors

For those who have already experienced it, bed bugs are really horrible:they hide in the bedding (yuck!) and come after dark to bite sleepers to suck their blood! Thus they often bite the arms, legs and back. How do we know if a bed bug is attacking us at night? If you have bites that look like mosquito bites and it itches a lot (even though you haven't heard the annoying "bzzzz" of the mosquito during the night). How do they choose their victim? It depends… Indeed, these parasites are attracted by the vibrations, the heat, the odors and the carbon dioxide of your body! Creepy isn't it? But that's not all...

According to a new study published in the journal Journal of Medical Entomology , bedbugs would also be attracted to the color of our sheets! To come to such a conclusion, the researchers built small cardboard habitats of different colors to observe the behavior of bedbugs in the face of colors. And the result is clear:bedbugs are really more attracted to sheets… black and red! But why ? According to scientists, the reason is quite simple:red because they love blood and are red themselves, so looking for girlfriends because they are used to living in a colony... Then black, because these little beasts live in darkness and act at night. In short, don't panic girls, the researchers also discovered that bedbugs hated yellow and green because they are too bright colors. So now you know what you have to do if you are afraid of being attacked by these insects… And then as summer approaches, yellow and green are nice, aren’t they?