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Health:plants are all good

Make the choice to go on vacation in the countryside, green your interior or even run in a park? Not all his decisions are random. We feel (more or less unconsciously) the need to reconnect with nature, which has many benefits to offer us. Indeed, studies have shown that green spaces reduce worry, increase our capacity for empathy and are even favorable to our mental recovery. So, if you dreamed of a green wall in the bathroom, don't hesitate!

An asset for health

Good news:having a green thumb is not essential to enjoy the benefits offered by Mother Nature. Walking in the forest, gardening or installing a fern in our driveway… all means are good and work! Scientists show that the simple fact of looking at a plant for a few minutes a day improves our morale. And that's not all:plants are a real asset for our health, because they revitalize us and help reduce stress and blood pressure. Owning a garden is doubly virtuous (lucky ones!):not only does it allow you to exercise (yes, it's a real sport to transport soil or do gardening movements), but also to eat good products 100 % organic (well, you have to have a green thumb!).

Good reasons to become a little more green-addicted!