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Why do hangovers get worse with age?

You must have noticed it:the more time passes, the more difficult the aftermath is. And besides, no need to go to the boil for the day after a drunken evening to be difficult. How far away the blessed time of our 20s seems to us when we went to class as if nothing had happened when we had drunk a lot and slept little! Asked by Business Insider , Dr. Ralph Holsworth (Ostheopath and Director of Scientific Research for the Essentia Water brand) confirms that hangovers get worse with age for three reasons.

1/ The body is more sensitive to inflammation

Inflammation is the body's reaction when it heals itself or "fights" something it considers toxic. This is the case with alcohol. It is therefore a good thing, since it means that the body reacts. Except that who says inflammation says that you don't feel terrible... Yes, yes, the symptoms of a hangover, that's it! And the body's reaction does not improve with age... Snif.

2/ We drink less

Of course, this is not an exact science but a trend:the more time passes, the less thirst you feel and the less water you drink (as a rule). Except that alcohol dehydrates (that's why you feel so bad the next day), so if you haven't drunk enough, it's even worse!

3/ The liver becomes less efficient in detoxifying the body

For the body, alcohol is a toxin that it must get rid of. And the organ in charge of this detoxification is the liver. As the years pass, the liver is less efficient and the detox process more complex (and more noticeable).

Well, this is clearly not good news and it is not going to get any better… We remind you that alcohol is to be drunk in moderation. Good luck!