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Get fit with superfoods!

Very local and known since forever (garlic, cabbage, fresh fruit, green leafy vegetables, etc.) or more exotic and recently arrived on our markets but consumed for centuries by local populations (goji berries, acai, acerola, maca …), superfoods are foods with a very high nutrient density. It is the high concentration of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants or proteins in these fruits, vegetables, seeds or algae that makes them extraordinary.

Perfect for boosting our body against fatigue, demineralization, vitamin deficiencies, digestive disorders, stress and preventing chronic conditions and illnesses, they can be easily cooked day by day thanks to the recipes of Marie Laforêt, author of the blog www.

From chia pudding with red fruits (in photo) to tabbouleh with goji berries, passing through Thai broth with kale and rice vermicelli or quesadillas with fermented vegetable cheese, we melt without restriction for these sixty playful and more gourmet recipes each other.

Superfoods, by Marie Laforêt, Editions Alternatives, €13.50.

Find 8 superfoods in the spotlight in our special Beauty file "Anti-fatigue instructions for use" from BIBA dated November.