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How do I get over my hiccups?

We hold our breath. Inhale deeply, inflating your stomach as much as possible and hold your breath
by clenching your teeth for 5 or
6 seconds. Then we exhale. We start again if necessary, but never in prolonged apnea. Why does it work? A hiccup is a spasm of the diaphragm that causes the glottis to close when you inhale. By holding our inspiration, we contract the diaphragm, which will prevent spasms.

We play hot and cold. We drink (if possible very quickly or while looking at the ground) a glass of very cold or really hot water. The goal ? Cause, by this sudden temperature difference, a contraction of the muscles likely to stop our hiccups.

Calm his nerves. Irritation of the vagus nerves (responsible for digestion) can be a cause of hiccups. To stop it, we stimulate these nerves by pulling a strong blow on our tongue, or we press hard enough for 30 seconds on our eyeballs with the palms of our hands. namely:for doctors, hiccups are only a problem when they last more than 48 hours. In this case, we consult to find the cause (abscess, digestive or nervous problems…).

Thanks to Pascal Dureau, general practitioner.