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Osteo does not only relieve back pain

What can be cured? We are often unaware of it, but the osteopath can help us to treat many ailments:our transit concerns (bloating, constipation, digestion problems, etc.), our ENT problems (sinusitis, ear infections, etc.), our headaches, certain cystitis… Through manipulations, it acts on the symptoms or on the causes of mechanical origin. The idea? Everything in the body is linked:poor transit, loss of mobility in joints, muscles or ligaments can cause minor ailments, which disappear when these tensions are released.

How does it go and in how many sessions? Often, one session is enough but each case is specific. It can go up to 5 sessions maximum. Osteo questions us and examines us from head to toe (and not just the back) and identifies where it gets stuck. It acts on the cervical and cranial tensions for headaches. On the transit side, he performs manipulations on the stomach to relax our viscera. For sinusitis, it will restore balance in the skull, vertebrae, neck... to promote air circulation and reduce secretions.

Is it recognized by the order of doctors? Not really, the order only recognizes the training in osteopathy provided to doctors who wish it (a few hours of training), but not that provided to other osteopaths. To find a reliable practitioner (labeled Eur OST DO) go to the website and also rely on word of mouth.

*Free " epicurean " magazine.