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The key moments of your pregnancy

My pregnancy month by month:the first trimester of pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy is often a trimester full of emotions and discoveries. After discovering that you were pregnant, you announce it to the dad, then to your family, to your closest friends... For you, this is an intense moment. Physically, you haven't really realized that you are pregnant yet and that's completely normal. Only a few fairly frequent minor pregnancy ailments remind you of this:nausea, insomnia, cramps are sometimes present. Your first pregnancy ultrasound is a highlight:you will finally discover your baby's face.

My pregnancy month by month:the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester of pregnancy, it's the big change:your belly begins to round. Soon, you will no longer be able to hide your pregnancy, and adopt much more comfortable maternity clothes. You may even start to feel your baby move, or even feel the first contractions! Don't panic, it's completely normal. The second trimester ultrasound is also a key moment:you will notably discover, if you wish, the sex of your baby!

My pregnancy month by month:the third trimester of pregnancy

The third trimester of pregnancy is the last straight line before the birth of your baby. The last ultrasound will allow to control the position of the baby, and to determine the mode of delivery. Are there more contractions? Do not panic, they are completely normal. Take time to rest, as you may feel more tired than usual. If necessary, your doctor may suggest that you stop early by prescribing a pathological leave. Around the eighth month, remember to prepare your maternity suitcase:D-Day is coming soon!