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How to organize your medicine cabinet?

Old boxes of tablets, expired syrups, all in a merry mess…. It's winter, it's time to think about storing and organizing your medicine cabinet! Follow the guide.

1 – We go around and throw away everything that is expired.

2 – It is preferable to buy small doses so as not to have to throw them away before the expiry date.

3 – We build up a base:an antipyretic against fever, an antispasmodic to calm muscle spasms, an analgesic against pain, an antiseptic with gauze compresses, a roll dressing to be cut and small scissors for wounds and cuts, arnica gel for blows and bruises.

4 - To avoid accumulating, we draw up a list on paper - or on our phone - of everything in our medicine cabinet:this avoids buying duplicates when we leave the doctor.

5 – You keep building up reserves by being prescribed meds you don't need (when the doctor asks if you want something else, you say "no").

6 – We store all the medicine in the same place in a big box that protects from light, heat, and humidity. In metal, it's perfect, we hunt for the prettiest!

7 – Medicines that are not opened can be kept until the expiry date, those that are open (ointments, eye drops, etc.) can be kept until the end of treatment!

8 – We no longer throw away our medicines:we bring them back to the pharmacy so that they do not pollute by concentrating in the water or in the soil! That's also what being green is all about.

> Read also:"I don't feel well":the 1st natural reflexes against cold snap