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The course of pregnancy:month 8

Month 8 of pregnancy:what's going on in your body

The last trimester of pregnancy is already well underway, and you continue to gain bulk and weight. However, be careful not to take too much, for your good and that of your baby. If necessary, you can wear compression stockings to relieve your heavy legs. Be aware that contractions are frequent during the eighth month of pregnancy. They are completely normal, and indicate that your body is slowly preparing for childbirth. If they become regular, increasingly close together and painful, it may be time to go to the maternity ward. You may also experience pain in your pelvis:this is also completely normal, it is the bones in your pelvis that are opening up to let the baby pass during delivery.

Month 8 of pregnancy:what's happening to your baby

Your baby's development continues:their lungs continue to form, their face smoothes, their vision changes... Your baby should be in a head-down position, ready to come out. This had to be checked during the third pregnancy ultrasound. If not, he still has a little time to do so, don't worry! In general, your baby moves a little less at this stage, because there is less room.

Month 8 of pregnancy:what to do

From now on, you have to get used to the idea:your baby could be born at any moment (it would still be considered premature if it were born this month), so better be prepared! Your maternity suitcase must be ready, the baby's room too, and you must have thought about the organization regarding your departure from the maternity ward. You are normally on maternity leave:take the opportunity to settle the last details before the birth, but above all to rest!