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The course of pregnancy:month 6

Month 6 of pregnancy:what's going on in your body

Your body continues to change and your weight gain continues, with all the little inconveniences that can come with it. Your baby is getting heavier and heavier (about 900 grams at the end of the sixth month of pregnancy), so you may have back pain. You can also suffer from heavy leg problems, be prone to sleep disorders… Not to mention digestive problems, such as heartburn. From now on, maternity clothes are almost obligatory:opt for some good comfortable basics, forget the high heels, and plan some maternity bras that can also be used after birth.

Month 6 of pregnancy:what's happening to your baby

Your baby is increasingly mobile:he now knows how to lift his arms and loves to play with his umbilical cord. His senses are also developing fast:he recognizes your voice and his daddy's voice, can open his eyes... His brain is in full development. You can feel your baby move and sometimes even have hiccups. Her skin thickens and she becomes wrinkled. It is coated with vernix, a greasy substance that protects it.

Month 6 of pregnancy:what to do

At this stage of pregnancy, there are no particular formalities to do. Your monthly visit to your gynecologist or midwife allows you, like every month, to take stock of your state of health and the good development of your baby. If you haven't already, choose your birth preparation method. Classical preparation, prenatal singing, prenatal yoga, haptonomy… many methods are available to you.