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The course of pregnancy:month 2

Month 2 of pregnancy:what's going on in your body

At this stage of pregnancy, your belly is still quite flat. But a few signs can bother you on a daily basis:at the start of pregnancy, some expectant mothers feel unusually tired. In this case, do not hesitate to rest as much as possible. Some women also experience morning sickness, bloating, heartburn, constipation... They may also have pain in their breasts or legs. On the scale, you can also see a slight weight gain, but nothing very obvious yet.

Month 2 of pregnancy:what's happening to your baby

During this second month of pregnancy, your baby continues to develop at a brisk pace. He now looks like a real baby:his face is taking shape, his fingers and toes are separating, his heart is increasing in size and all his other organs (like his intestines, his stomach…) continue to develop. Its head is growing and it is now half the volume of its body. At the end of month 2 of pregnancy, the embryo measures about 3 to 4 cm and weighs about 10 grams.

Month 2 of pregnancy:what to do

If you have not already done so, remember to make an appointment for your first prenatal consultation (it must take place within the first three months) with your gynecologist, your doctor or a midwife. At the start of pregnancy, there are also a number of administrative procedures to be carried out. In particular, remember to inform your health insurance fund and your family allowance fund that you are pregnant by returning the two sections of the declaration of pregnancy given during the first prenatal examination. This will allow you to assert your rights.