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The course of pregnancy:month 5

Month 5 of pregnancy:what's going on in your body

At this stage of pregnancy, you continue to gain weight. Your uterus takes up more and more space, and your blood volume also increases, which can cause minor problems, such as the feeling of heavy legs. In the evening, or at any time of the day, consider raising your legs on a few cushions. You may also feel short of breath quickly, especially when it comes to climbing stairs. Be sure to rest and not strain. If you are particularly tired and have a pale complexion, it could be anemia or iron deficiency. Talk to your midwife or doctor - they can prescribe an iron supplement if needed. Also be sure to eat a balanced diet and favor certain iron-rich foods such as pulses, chocolate, red meat (well cooked)...

Month 5 of pregnancy:what's happening to your baby

Your baby is moving more and more. Now you can feel it moving perfectly. Sometimes it even wakes you up in the middle of the night! His senses continue to develop. He hears well what is going on around him and can even sometimes react by giving you small blows.

Month 5 of pregnancy:what to do

The second ultrasound takes place during the fifth month of pregnancy. It is also called morphological ultrasound, because it allows you to see the baby as a whole and to control its proper development. If you wish, you can also ask the gender of your baby (provided it is placed correctly):girl or boy? Remember to register for birth preparation courses, but also to inform your employer of your condition, if you have not already done so.