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The course of pregnancy:month 4

Month 4 of pregnancy:what's going on in your body

At this stage of pregnancy, you have generally regained all your energy after the first three months, which were sometimes a little difficult. Morning sickness is now a distant memory. More good news:your skin, hair, and nails have never looked so good. Thanks hormones! On the other hand, you can be prone to digestive disorders such as heartburn, bloating, constipation… This is due to hormones as well as changes taking place in your body. Be sure to split your meals and eat a balanced diet. Take care of yourself and think about resting as soon as you can, because small bouts of fatigue are frequent. Your belly is getting bigger and bigger:it's time to buy, if you haven't already, some comfortable maternity clothes (not to mention some good maternity bras). Treat yourself!

Month 4 of pregnancy:what's happening to your baby

In your womb, your baby is getting more and more active:he's starting to move well (by the way, you can start to feel it), he's sucking his thumb, he's swallowing amniotic fluid, he's squeezing his little hands... All his senses are developing:touch, hearing... You and the future dad can talk to him very softly, make him listen to music:your baby will appreciate it!

Month 4 of pregnancy:what to do

Month 4 of pregnancy is the time for the second prenatal examination, with your gynecologist or midwife. From now on, these meetings will take place every month. They allow you to take stock of your general state of health and to monitor the proper development of your baby. This is also the time to ask all the questions that are on your mind!