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The course of pregnancy:month 7

Month 7 of pregnancy:what's going on in your body

As your pregnancy progresses, you gain weight, and your body lets you know. You suffer from back pain, you have heavy legs, you are prone to sleep problems (due to your big belly)… Not to mention heartburn which can be really unpleasant or night cramps, which can be painful. One watchword:take care of yourself, rest! If the fatigue is too great, discuss it with your doctor or midwife:you may be granted medical leave to rest.

Month 7 of pregnancy:what's happening to your baby

In the seventh month of pregnancy, your baby weighs about 1.5 kg. Side size, it measures a good thirty centimeters and continues to grow. His bones thicken and lengthen rapidly. For this, he needs a lot of calcium:remember to provide it through your diet. Your baby is also increasingly mobile, which can be tiring on a daily basis, as he tries in every way to make room for himself. The development of his brain and his entire nervous system continues. If he was born now, he would be considered a medium preemie.

Month 7 of pregnancy:what to do

The third ultrasound takes place at the end of this seventh month of pregnancy. It is also the last (theoretically). In particular, it allows you to check the correct position of the baby:normally, he should have turned around to place himself head down, ready for delivery. But that's not always the case:your baby still has a little time to roll over. As the birth is approaching, it is also time to prepare the baby's room and buy all the necessary equipment to welcome him in good conditions.