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What do we do if cross-eyed baby?

Before 4 months. Any permanent strabismus requires dare-dare a consultation with an ophthalmologist, preferably specialized in pediatrics. Do not panic, on the other hand, if he only squints intermittently:most of the time, everything is back to normal after 4 months. Especially since it is often believed that Baby crosses because of an epicanthus - the white in the corner of the eye is somewhat obscured by skin that extends from the root of the nose to the upper eyelid. It's actually an optical illusion, which fades over time (but can also mask a true strabismus). If in doubt, we consult.

From 4-5 months. Cross-eyed baby, a little, a lot? A consultation is required. He probably has a beginning of strabismus due, most often, to hyperopia. And there, he will not escape the glasses! You also sometimes have to hide one of your eyes to avoid amblyopia. Amblyopia? A lazy eye that can end up becoming visually impaired if you don't realize it in time.

Granny squinted. In the case of a family history, and even in the absence of an apparent sight problem, we take him to the ophthalmologist from the age of 1 year. A first visit that is essential for premature babies. Afterwards, routine checks are carried out, as for the teeth.

We react quickly. The sooner he is made to wear glasses, the better his visual acuity will be, but, be careful, this does not mean that baby will be left with never having binoculars again in his life!

For more Thanks to Dr. Mitra Goberville-Hananeh, Pediatric Ophthalmologist