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Homeopathy, what is it?

The foundations of homeopathy

Homeopathy was created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, chemist and linguist. This form of alternative medicine is based mainly on two concepts. The first is the law of similarity based on “Similia similibus curantur” which means “like cures like”. The second is the law of individualization. Homeopathy focuses on healing the sick person, not the disease itself. It is a question of thinking about the individual as a whole, taking into account various data such as physical, physiological, psychic, mental, hereditary, etc. aspects. The process of high dilutions is specific to this discipline. Basically, the remedies are diluted several times in water or in a mixture of water and alcohol.

The effectiveness of homeopathy

Homeopathy is the subject of many controversies. Some are absolutely convinced of its benefits and its foundations while others cry imposture, accusing it of a placebo effect only. Theories and different reports complicate the debate. Health professionals, doctors, scientists, clinicians and researchers can't agree on whether or not homeopathy works. All provide evidence, so it is very difficult to navigate. In the meantime, many general practitioners do not hesitate to prescribe homeopathic treatments for various ailments, to fight against allergies or to treat minor childhood illnesses. It should also be noted that since May 2, 2011, the reimbursement rate for homeopathic medicines has been set at 30%. Today, more than one in two French people have already used homeopathy and more than one in three regularly use homeopathic medicines.

The limits of homeopathy

In the use of homeopathy, it is important to be aware of its limits. Homeopathy is not effective on all ailments and cannot replace traditional therapy. In some cases, it can happen to complete a treatment, but not to replace it. Homeopathy cannot treat certain pathologies or conditions of a certain severity. It will be in vain in case of acute infections, heart attacks, serious digestive disorders, discomfort due to diabetes and all other serious illnesses. One of the big advantages of homeopathy is that it does not cause any side effects or toxicity. The treatments are simple and easy to follow. Many people think it can't hurt, and at best it can be good, so you might as well give it a try. In any case, homeopathic treatment should never be taken lightly and you should seek the advice of your general practitioner.