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What is cravings meditation?

What is the principle?

Refocus on ourselves and in the present moment to eject our negative emotions (stress, sadness, etc.), which push us to swallow a packet of cakes in two minutes.

How do we do it?

As soon as a parasitic thought appears, for 3 to 10 minutes (3 to start is good), we focus on our breathing, the belly which swells on inspiration and deflates on expiration. So, when "Grrrr, if Zoe gives me another tantrum to get a Dora dress, I'll kill her," we welcome it. Example:"Hey, I thought about killing my daughter. Normal, I'm on edge right now." We immediately refocus on our breathing, until the end of the session.

So how is it?

Difficult at first (we have parasitic thoughts!), but with a little practice, we are immediately more zen and our compulsions calm down, even disappear. The hardest thing is to think about meditating before breaking down...

The awesome tool.

To get started, download the RespiRelax app for iPhone. We hold our breath on the bubble that goes up and down:really easier.