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What if our fingers were markers of our health?

Researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology have made a startling discovery:comparing the length of our index and ring fingers would reveal a lot of information about our health and personality.

A history of testosterone

The difference in length between the index and the directory is due to the level of testosterone to which the fetus was exposed in the womb. This male hormone would contribute to the formation of a longer ring finger. Female hormones (estrogen), they would promote the elongation of a longer index. Concretely, what does that mean? According to them, people with a ring finger smaller than their index finger, and therefore having been exposed to low levels of testosterone in their mother's womb, would be endowed with a very good short-term memory. On the other hand, they would be more affected by anxiety and depression. Conversely, people who have been more exposed to this male hormone in utero, and therefore have a longer ring finger than their index finger, have a better predisposition to sport and an excellent sense of direction. Much less fun, they would also be more likely to develop Tourette's syndrome, attention deficit disorder or autism.

Well, whether we believe it or not, we're off to measure our index and ring fingers, just out of curiosity!