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Bacteria:what are the most contaminated objects?

Phobics of bacteria, stop there! The information revealed by the American computer company CBT Nuggets is likely to raise hairs. The company conducted scientific research to determine the number of microbes harbored by technological objects used in the office. The most telling (and probably the most disgusting) fact is that a computer keyboard contains 20,598 times more bacteria than a toilet seat! And it's not the most contaminated object... Number 1 on the podium is the electronic badge with 4,620,000 bacteria every 2.5 square centimeters.

The food poisoning bacteria

The mobile phone comes third:with more than 1.6 million bacteria every 2.5 centimeters, it is 31,374 times more contaminated than a pen. Fourth place goes to the computer mouse, with more than 1.3 million bacteria. Finally comes the touchpad, specific to tablet-like devices, which harbors 162 times more bacteria than silver. The study specifies that four types of bacteria were found, mainly Gram-Positive cocci, responsible for food poisoning, among other things.

Well, all that's left to do is stock up on antibacterial wipes!