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Menopause:what are the first symptoms?

What is menopause and premenopause?

Before moving forward on the characteristic symptoms of menopause, it is good to understand this process as a whole. Natural physiological phenomenon linked to the aging of women, the menopause is a mandatory step that is characterized by the definitive cessation of the menstrual cycle. The ovaries of a postmenopausal woman no longer release eggs and gradually decrease the secretion of hormones linked to menstruation, namely progesterone and estrogen, until they no longer produce any. This phenomenon is accompanied by many symptoms of menopause .

It is said that menopause is truly established after 12 months of absence of menstruation. It is also preceded by a transitional period which, from one woman to another, can be particularly painful. This is premenopause, a premenopausal phase during which the precursor symptoms arise. Concretely, the premenopause corresponds to a series of physiological changes in women. The symptoms of menopause that accompany this transition reflect the body's reaction to the sudden hormonal decline.

What causes menopause in women?

Symptoms that precede menopause have no particular external triggers. The occurrence of this cessation of ovarian activity is mainly linked to the age of the woman and the depletion of her limited stock of oocytes. In general, menopause occurs in women around their 51st year. However, the symptoms of menopause may appear as early as age 45 in some people. Indeed, it should be known that its occurrence is influenced by weight or tobacco consumption. In other words, smoking can bring menopause forward by more than a year, which is called early menopause, while being overweight or undernourished can delay the symptoms, i.e. late menopause.

Pre-menopausal period:characteristic symptoms

No less than three out of four women suffer from unpleasant symptoms that announce the imminent onset of menopause. These signs can be particularly disabling on a daily basis for some, but are less so for others. To avoid panic, it is good to know how to identify these symptoms linked to the drop in hormones. The list includes:

  • Regular hot flashes in the face and upper body;
  • Sudden weight gain, linked to the weakening of the metabolism and the stress caused by hormonal disturbances;
  • Vaginal dryness that impacts libido and causes sexual dysfunction;
  • Night sweats, causing fatigue and insomnia;
  • Mood swings:stress, irritability, high sensitivity;
  • Irregular periods and more

The intensity of these menopausal symptoms varies from woman to woman and can be treated medically or naturally.

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