Constipation is caused by various factors. Usually it results in:
There are two types of constipation:
It is usually related:
In pregnant women , the sharp decrease in contractions in the digestive tract slows down intestinal transit and complicates the evacuation of stool. This phenomenon comes from changes in hormonal secretion.
Neuropathy, sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, etc. also promote constipation . Indeed, they disrupt muscle contractions.
Many drugs interfere with intestinal transit and consequently generate constipation. Regular use of laxatives is also among the sources of constipation, if consumed for a long time.
The main drugs that promote constipation are:
Constipation causes great discomfort and usually comes in two forms:
The frequency of defecation varies between three per day to three per week.
Bloating and abdominal cramps are also signs of obstruction. These symptoms are the causes of the absorption of water from food residues in the colon. The stools thus become hard and accumulate in the small intestine and the rectum. As a result, defecation becomes more complicated. Changing the diet or taking medication therefore becomes necessary to solve the problem.
Also read:
Constipation:9 foods not to eat (especially)
Grandma's remedy:end constipation!
Constipation:9 essential oils to relieve and revive transit