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Period delay:what are the possible causes?

When do we really talk about a late period?

We keep saying it, the rules are different for every woman. If 3 or 4 days can be considered by some as a delay of periods, others, settled irregularly, will find this period of time completely normal. Depending on how long your cycles are and how regular they are, it may take several days without a period before you start to seriously wonder about the cause of the delay.

In general, the hypothesis of a delayed period is only to be considered after 7 days without bleeding after the supposed start date of your cycle. However, in the case of a very irregular period, a delay of 10 days may seem normal.

Stress, a common factor in late periods

The hormonal mechanism of the woman is subjected to the influences of the stress which can then cause a sudden delay of the periods. You should know that stress is one of the main causes of late menstruation or amenorrhea (the scientific term for the absence of menstruation). The state of stress and tension, whether chronic or occasional, disrupts hormonal secretion. It may be due to a recent change in your lifestyle, such as a move or a psychological shock.

The stress constant results, in the vast majority of cases, in a blockage or a standby of ovulation. And as the flow of menstrual flow follows ovulation, the absence or delay of the latter automatically generates a delay or absence of periods.

Pregnancy, an obvious reason for missing periods

This is the first question that comes to mind in case of late period :Am I pregnant? Admittedly, it is an essential symptom of implantation of the embryo, but pregnancy does not explain all the delays in menstruation. If you have any doubts, feel free to proceed with a pregnancy test if the delay exceeds 8 days. If, on the other hand, you haven't had any recent activity that could lead to pregnancy, then the delay in your period is due to other factors, such as stress or birth control.

Delayed periods due to contraception

While contraceptives aim to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, they also tend to disrupt the menstrual cycle and cause late periods. This is particularly the case with birth control pills containing hormones, such as progestins, which can make your period disappear completely.

The use of hormonal IUDs can also have an influence on the regularity of your periods. Depending on the dosage of the hormone, a delay in menstruation, or even a lack thereof, may occasionally occur.

Sudden weight gain or loss:common causes of late periods

If you recently experienced significant weight gain, or loss, be aware that a late period may ensue. This is why late or missed periods often go hand in hand with malnutrition, anorexia and other eating disorders. In addition, a significant weight gain is also a cause of late menstruation. In any case, it is important to consult a specialist to find the solution.

In addition to these many factors that can explain late menstruation, it should be noted that approaching menopause, entering puberty, taking medication and gynecological pathologies are all possible causes. If in doubt, make an appointment with your doctor.

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