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Late period:6 reasons why they are late

Late menstrual period after childbirth

It is common for women who have just given birth to experience a delay in their period, which can last for several weeks or even several months. If this happens to you, have no fear! This is a perfectly normal phenomenon. In this case, menstruation is put on hold because of breastfeeding. In 99% of cases, ovulation is also suspended, preventing the new mother from becoming pregnant again for at least the first 6 months of the newborn.

Stop taking birth control pills

In the case of an unusual late period, the woman concerned will most likely take a pregnancy test as a first instinct, despite these claims, especially if she has just stopped her birth control pills. If the test comes back negative, the delay in menstruation can only be due to the sudden discontinuation of the contraceptive method. This phenomenon, called post-contraceptive amenorrhea, results in a wait of several months before menstruation and the ovulation cycle return to a stable cycle. It should also be noted that post-contraception period delay has no adverse impact on health or fertility.

Dysregulation due to a lifestyle disorder

A person's quality of life has many implications for their health and can be a major reason for any late periods. The list of possible causes includes among others:

  • Stress, which has a direct impact on hormones and can therefore lead to menstrual irregularities;
  • Anxiety
  • Eating Disorders:Abnormal weight loss can cause periods to be delayed or stop menstruating altogether. This is a fairly common phenomenon in those who suffer from bulimia or anorexia;
  • Unbalanced diets.

Change in lifestyle and psychological disorders

If you are going through a major change in your daily routine and a delay in your period comes with it, know that the first amply explains the second. Indeed, major events that disrupt your lifestyle, such as a long trip, an imminent move or jet lag, can delay your period. This can be explained, among other things, by the stress caused, the sleep disorders that may follow or even dietary disturbances, all of which are factors in the delay of menstruation.

Practice of an intense sports discipline

A delay in menstruation can also be attributed to overtraining, i.e. practicing too intense a demanding physical activity such as gymnastics, marathons or even professional ballet. Thus, it is not uncommon for athletes to suffer from amenorrhea (delayed periods) due to a lack of estrogen and fatty tissue in their body, not to mention the stress that the body undergoes through these intensive activities.