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Constipation:8 natural and effective solutions to relieve it

Which foods to eat to treat constipation?

Whether chronic or episodic, the use of natural treatments is never without tangible results against constipation. Unless this transit problem is related to a more serious medical condition, a simple readjustment of the diet is enough in most cases to alleviate it. Consuming fiber-rich products is one of the first natural treatments for constipation. These fruits and vegetables, perfect for losing weight, stimulate transit by facilitating the evacuation of stools. The list of favorite foods counts:

  • Whole grains
  • Oat bran, an effective natural treatment for mild constipation, to sprinkle in compote or yoghurt;
  • Flax seeds
  • Legumes;
  • Prunes, figs and dried apricots, excellent natural laxatives to solve a constipation problem;
  • Psyllium, known to make stools heavier and easier to pass.

What to drink to restart transit in case of constipation?

Among the natural treatments to favor to overcome constipation are drinks with amazing laxative properties. Indeed, it is not always necessary to look far to find the natural solution adapted to this transit problem. In case of mild or episodic constipation, the following solutions can be of great help:

  • Water:Staying hydrated is key to beating constipation;
  • Coffee:This everyday drink is one of the natural treatments for constipation. It stimulates the production of hormones that regulate digestion. However, it acts differently from person to person;
  • Soups;
  • Fruit juices:A great natural treatment for constipation, fruit juices are hydrating and high in fiber. Grapefruit juice and citrus juices are particularly recommended.

What good habits to adopt against constipation?

As you will have understood, against constipation, there is no shortage of natural treatments. If what you consume mainly influences constipation, reviewing the diet is not always enough to overcome the problem. To help you, here is a list of good habits to adopt on a daily basis:

  • Massage your stomach with essential oil. These pressures on the stomach will relax the muscles and help the intestines to evacuate the stool;
  • Go to the bathroom at regular times and don't rush;
  • Exercise:physical activity is part of the natural treatment for constipation as a sedentary life promotes this problem.