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Snoring:9 natural and ultra-effective solutions to stop snoring

We all know that little noise that keeps us from falling asleep. Well, that's when it's not us who make them. Snoring are a plague in the world of Morpheus since they can disturb our night. Stuffy nose, evening a little too drunk, extreme fatigue, or sleep apnea, snoring is manifested by various factors . Experts say snoring is caused by excess fatty tissue which compresses the airways. In the case of a cold, snoring is explained by the interference of inflamed tissue and mucus with airflow in the airways. Here are 9 natural solutions to fight snoring !

Anti-snoring solutions:home care

To sleep better and no longer disturb the sleep of the person who shares your bed, some good practices are to be adopted. Between herbal teas and essential oils, there are small ways to fight against snoring. For example, you can include the baking soda nasal spray just before sleeping. It will reduce inflation that can cause snoring. Gargle with a mint mouthwash to reduce the lining of your nose and throat. If your snoring is linked to a pollen allergy, adopt nettle infusions . These plants are recommended to relieve inflammation. The Bach flowers improve the quality of sleep, and consequently fight snoring. Use essential oils to smell regularly throughout the day to soothe you and sleep well. Make yourself a clay poultice before to sleep. This decongests the sinuses and therefore prevents snoring.

Anti-snoring solutions:the right gestures

To put the odds on your side and avoid snoring, here are some tips. First, avoid alcohol at least 3 hours before your bedtime. This will prevent your throat muscles from over-relaxing. You can also try acupuncture . Thanks to the needles, it is possible to stimulate the muscles of the larynx, and in the long term reduce snoring. When it's time to sleep, be sure to elevate yourself slightly . Thus, the tissues of the throat will not collapse at the entrance to the airways. Finally, sleep on your side. Lying on your back, the tongue and soft palate rest against the back of the throat, blocking the passage of air and therefore possibly the reason for your snoring.