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Nocturnal awakenings:9 natural tips to (finally) stop waking up at night

There is no better time in a day than when we curl up in our cozy little nest. This so relaxing and satisfying moment of slipping under the duvet. And if we like to go to bed so much, sleep is not always a cakewalk. While we are supposed to rest, our body and mind sometimes decide otherwise. As a result, for many of us, the nights are not done in one go . We tend towake up several times , much to the chagrin of our need for rest. To avoid these sleep interruptions, here are our natural tips to avoid waking up in the middle of the night.

No more waking up in the night:what to do

We close our eyes, we open them two hours later. We close them, then we open them again. Every night, it's the same tune. We see the hours scrolling on our alarm clock and our sleep passing under our noses. To never wake up again in the night, here is what we advise you. First, watch your diet . Certain foods, often too fatty, are the cause of your insomnia. Your digestive system remaining active to eliminate them, will prevent you from falling into a deep sleep. As in your childhood, opt for a good cup of hot milk. Milk contains tryptophan, which is an amino acid that helps in the production of melatonins, which is none other than the sleep hormone. You can also concoct yourself a herbal infusion . They will help you calm down and sleep well. Place a few drops of essential oil based on lavender or chamomile, known for their soothing properties.

Nocturnal awakenings:how to promote sleep?

To sleep well, be sure to turn off all your electronic devices . Blue light and its waves can prevent you from falling asleep and be the cause of your awakenings. Prefer books before to sleep. Reading relaxes us and promotes sleep. Finally, try the relaxation exercises before sleeping to soothe you and improve the quality of your sleep. It is important that your bedroom is conducive to falling asleep. For this, your room must be clean and inspire you with comfort. The light in your bedroom should also help you fall asleep. Opt for a subdued light which will not attack your eyes.