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Menopause:9 tips to reduce symptoms

Living well through menopause:using symptomatic treatments

For many women, menopause and the symptoms that accompany it are far from obvious to live with on a daily basis. Indeed, the changes caused by the hormonal collapse that characterizes this obligatory physiological stage in 50-year-old women can prove to be disabling for at least three out of four subjects. Between sudden hot flashes at impromptu times of the day, irritating vaginal dryness or disturbances of the urinary system, a woman in perimenopause experiences more than one inconvenience. Fortunately, the symptoms of menopause can be alleviated through various treatments. These solutions are mainly aimed at relieving the various effects of menopause , not to prevent menopause itself, which is a mandatory process.

HRT or Hormone Substitution Therapy, an effective medical solution

The menopause being a cessation of ovarian activity, including a drastic drop in estrogen and progesterone, a large majority of her symptoms are the result of this drop in hormones. One way to alleviate the side effects of perimenopause is to take hormone replacement therapy to compensate for the ovaries stopping production of these hormones. These hormonal treatments for menopausal symptoms can be:

  • Estrogen-based, administered orally or dermally;
  • Progesterone-Based:This is called a progestogen, taken only orally for the treatment of menopausal symptoms.

Taking these treatments based on hormone replacement requires a medical prescription, due to the health risks associated with their dosage. In any case, hormonal treatments are particularly effective against the symptoms of menopause, from hot flashes to vaginal dryness.

What treatments to adopt for each symptom of menopause?

Like any other physical condition, the treatment of menopausal symptoms does not necessarily involve taking drugs or synthetic hormones. There is no shortage of natural solutions to relieve the ailments of menopause. As these are symptomatic treatments, each symptom calls for a specific solution:

  • Against hot flashes, the most common symptom of menopause, it is possible to take low-dose antidepressants (on medical prescription), antihypertensives or follow alternative therapies (acupuncture, hypnosis);
  • Against vaginal dryness, the use of lubricating gels is recommended to avoid the discomfort that this causes during sexual intercourse. Otherwise, vaginal moisturizers are effective in reducing the unpleasant sensation that results;
  • Against urinary leakage, characteristic of perimenopause, a short visit to a gynecologist or urologist is essential. Physiotherapy sessions may also be necessary to re-educate the muscles of the perineum.

Finally, reviewing your lifestyle is essential to reduce the symptoms of menopause :

  • Eat a healthy diet rich in fibre, iron and omega 3;
  • Exercising regularly to keep fit and avoid weight gain, which can make symptoms worse;
  • Quit cigarettes that advance menopause, alcohol and other exciting drinks.

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