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Homeopathy:what is it really?

Homeopathy is based on the principle that the body has within it the strength to generate a natural healing process and would act as a placebo. In his book Medicines in 100 questions , François Chast explains what homeopathy is and how it works, which is still not well known to the public. We thus learn that homeopathy was born from the idea of ​​Samuel Hahnemann, a German doctor, who explained that this method was governed in the form of four main principles.

The 4 principles of homeopathy

The principle of similarity means that the drug causes the same symptoms as the disease during a peak, such as cinchona powder for example to treat fever or onion which makes you cry to counter rhinitis.

The principle of dilution thus requires that the final solution be as diluted as possible. We will thus empty the bottle of a stock solution and take into account the fact that one hundredth of this solution will still be present on the walls of the bottle. “Once filled with water, this bottle makes it possible to obtain a 1CH dilution (1/100th dilution). This same bottle, once empty and then filled with water, makes it possible to obtain a 2CH (1/10,000th) dilution, etc.,” explains the professor.

The principle of dynamization requires that the bottle be shaken in order to include the solution which has remained attached to the walls. This process will diffusely distribute the product and water.

Finally, the principle of the sick before the illness requires that the patient be treated as a priority as a whole. This means that we will take into account the environment and the terrain. We will thus personalize the treatment according to the overall nature of the disease and its symptoms.

Clinical trials carried out with homeopathy do not demonstrate any scientific efficacy. However, a large majority of the population is adept at these "placebos" which would above all have a psychological effect.

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