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This is how you are going to do it really differently this year

We are a week into the new year. Within our work-out platform we hear all kinds of good intentions this week:“I really want to change course now”, “Today is the day that I will start to take better care of myself”, “After years of struggling with my weight I have now decided that it is really time to take care of myself”. Many women will recognize this. A new year begins for many women with these plans. The trick, however, is to keep it up. How do you start a new healthy routine? And how do you hold this? Read 4 tips here.

Tip 1:First think about what you want different and why

It is important to make what you want (change) concrete. So not only:I want to lose weight, I want to get fitter or I want to take better care of myself. These examples are not specific enough. You do this by writing down how many pounds you want to lose or how many centimeters you want to lose. When getting fitter, you can indicate how many kilometers you want to be able to run on a certain date or what type of workout you want to be able to maintain.

Taking better care of yourself is also very broad. Do you mean that you want to exercise more, eat healthier or grab a me-time moment for yourself more often?
So make what you want specific so that it is measurable and you can assess it on the date you want to achieve it.

Then it is important that you think about why you want that. Ask yourself the why question several times. Why do I want to lose weight? Because I want to have more energy. Why do you want more energy? Because now I am often the exhausted woman in the house at night. Why don't you want to be that anymore? And so forth. Then you come to your deepest motivation and that will help you to achieve your intention or goal.

Take action right now. Grab a pen and paper and write down for yourself what you want different in 2021 and why.

Read also: 'Are you taking enough vitamin P?'

Tip 2:Think about what it takes to achieve this

What does it take to make this change in your life? Suppose you want to train at least three times a week. You will have to plan this somewhere in your often busy schedule. If you don't change anything in your schedule, you know in advance that this won't work.

If you are a morning person, get up earlier. If you are an evening person, adjust your schedule accordingly. For example, does it help to have dinner half an hour earlier? What can you save time on (use of social media, get help with the household, etc)? So take a closer look at your life and your routines and look at them with new eyes. This is how you make the change you want in your life a reality.

Tip 3:Then plan the next day every evening

It actually starts with a weekly schedule. Take the time every weekend to plan your week. For example, plan all your meals here and do your shopping for the whole week.
Then every night you look at the next day. What time do you get up? What do you want done? Leave room for things that run out, unexpected events and, above all, a moment of rest for yourself. So don't close your day completely. This is how you set realistic goals for every day.

Tip 4:Just do it

It sounds simple, but it is the key to success. Just go and do it. No more excuses, no more excuses. You know why and what you are doing it for. You know it's going to make yourself and those around you happier. So get off those bums and just do it !

Who is behind Studio C Online?

Christina and Heidy are founders of the online workout platform Studio C Online.

As working moms, they know how busy life can be. With Studio C Online they therefore want to make it easier to plan sports in your life, because you can do it from home.

They offer great workouts full of variety and energy. Christina is a born entertainer. Her energy bursts through the screen. We often hear:“Christina's enthusiasm makes a workout over in no time”. “It's like Christina is in my living room.”

In this way they hope to motivate women again and again to KEEP training. This is so important. Not only for your physical health, but also for how you feel mentally.

Their studio stands for variation, variety and originality. Not a workout is the same. For example, you can choose from Studio HIIT, Studio Strength and Studio Fire. These are tough workouts, it's better not to do them every day. In addition, you can choose from Studio Barre, Studio Sculpt (dance and aerobics in combination with arm/buttocks/core), Studio Power Pilates and Studio Stretch &Relax. These are training sessions of a lower intensity that can be nicely alternated with the heavy training sessions.
And if you are a beginner, you can start very nicely with the lighter workouts and slowly build up to the heavy workouts.

Want to try a variation of HIIT and Barre? Just in your house or garden, whenever it suits you? Join the Free Workout Challenge. 5 workouts in 2 weeks. You will also receive a motivational email.