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This is how you get your sports mojo back

If you had just started to exercise more in the new year, now that we are a bit further in the year, the draft is coming again. How can you get your sports mojo back?

Try something new

Three times a week on the treadmill or doing a sport that you are not very good at, that is not fun for anyone. Therefore, regularly change your routine and discover your talents.

How to do it:

According to research from the University of Rocherster, your energy levels and motivation increase through three aspects:autonomy (determine what you do), connectedness (feeling loved) and competence (doing something you're good at). Research by Psychology of Sport &Movement also shows that if you choose your own sports routine, you do more repetitions and experience more fun. So decide for yourself every week what you are going to do, find a sport you have talent for or go with a friend.

Tip:you can use Onefit in the four major cities:a membership for one fixed price that allows you to follow unlimited classes at all kinds of different sports and yoga schools.

Read also: ‘Motivation tips for running in the cold‘

Set (extra) goals

By setting specific or additional goals, you can maintain your sports mojo.

How to do it:

“I want to get fitter” or “I want to lose weight” are vague, abstract goals. By making them more specific (“I want to lose a kilo next month” or “I want to be able to run three miles without breaks”), you have a clear goal in mind. It helps to measure yourself weekly or monthly. Seeing progress boosts your sports mojo. In addition, “I want to lose weight” is negatively charged. Rather combine a positively charged goal with sports, such as:'I want to enjoy the outdoors and feel energetic and confident.' spend time with a friend, get to know the area around your new home better, and so on.

Clear obstacles out of the way

Once plopped down on the couch after a long day, it is difficult to motivate yourself to exercise for an hour. Therefore make it as easy as possible for yourself.

How to do it:

Take your sportswear to work and do some meal prepping, so that you never go to the gym on an empty stomach. Pick a gym close to home or work, or pick one that's on the trail. Make sure you include sports in your lifestyle:make friends at the gym, participate in events organized by the gym and enter competitions.

Make it a game

Research from Mayo Clinic shows that a financial reward helps to exercise more. The test subjects who would receive twenty euros if they lost the most kilos within a certain time, clearly outperformed the group that received no reward.

How to do it:

Make it a game with your (sports) friends. The group / duo / person who has made the most sports hours at the end of the month wins. Also nice:everyone buy the same sports watch and challenge each other to challenges.

Source:Santé November 2019, text:Mara Ruijter