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This is how you get your child off the couch

Does your child love computer games, the iPad and watching TV? With these 5 tips you will get him or her off the couch.

1. Make appointments
Education experts recommend that children should not spend more than two hours a day in front of a screen. You will be surprised how quickly this time limit is reached. But if you agree on this together, your child will also know where he or she stands.

2. Maintain a steady rhythm
By choosing a fixed time for activities such as playing outside and exercising, it will take less and less effort to keep up.

3. Set a good example If you often don't feel like exercising, you are setting the wrong example for your child. Show that exercise isn't a punishment, it's fun!

4. Keep it fun
There are so many ways to be active:swimming, cycling, rollerblading, hooping, skipping ropes. Children don't even realize that they are 'exercising'.

5. Move together
Go for a walk or cycle together on a day off. Not only is it healthy, it also provides quality time for the family.