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This is how you increase the frequency of your training sessions

You intend to exercise two or three times a week, but in reality you have not been more than once a week for weeks. With these tips you will exercise more often next week.

Focus on how you feel after exercise
Do you always feel good after exercising? Focus on that feeling if you're hesitating to go. Have you ever regretted that you started working out afterwards?

Schedule sports
Sign up for group lessons at the beginning of the week, put running in your agenda as if it were a date or arrange to go swimming with a friend. Treat your workouts like any other appointment; so don't just cancel.

Don't let yourself be demotivated
Just because you ate a bag of chips yesterday, doesn't mean you don't have to exercise all week. Everyone has a dip every now and then, that's no reason to throw in the towel.

Have a training plan drawn up
If you are not used to training a lot, have a training plan drawn up and build up your training slowly to prevent injuries.

Try to get your exercise in other ways Even if you don't have time to exercise, you can still get more exercise. It may not be a workout, but every little bit of exercise helps. Cycle to work, get off one stop earlier, walk to the supermarket, take the stairs more often and leave the car parked more often.

Read also: With these 7 tips you can no longer escape from sports