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This is how you resist the 5 most common excuses not to exercise

"I'm tired", "I don't have time" or "It's so boring"… No, no, no more excuses. This is how you resist the 5 most common excuses not to exercise.

If you don't really exercise because you enjoy it, then it can take a lot of effort to drag you to a gym. Excuses like 'I'm too tired' after a long (work) day are lurking. But with these tips, that will come to an end once and for all to use the excuses below

Read also: '3 x motivation to exercise tonight'

1. 'I'm too tired to exercise'

You've been busy all day and to be honest you don't have to think about doing a 'work-out' for a while. But if you have that tired feeling, it could be because you don't move enough. If you sit all day and don't move much, your body won't get enough oxygen. That's what makes you so tired.

So there is only one thing to do:get moving. If you do this regularly, you will notice that that tired feeling (even after a long day) disappears like snow in the sun.

2. 'Sports are so boring'

When boredom strikes, it's time for a change. There are so many different ways to move. You don't always have to go to the gym. Try a yoga class, go for a walk with the neighbor's dog, go for a walk or if you like something more spicy:take a bootcamp class. There is plenty to choose from!

And what makes exercise fun, is like moving with your favorite hits!

3. 'I don't have time to exercise'

A recent study found that as many as 42 percent of participants admit that they don't have time to exercise, while another study shows that they have an average of 89 minutes of free time a day.

The good news is that exercising really doesn't take as much time as you think. The trick is to schedule the sports moment in your calendar like a doctor's appointment. And also get more active by, for example, taking the stairs more often, parking your car further than your destination or getting off one stop earlier.

4. "I'm a wooden Klaas, so how can I start exercising now?"

You don't have to be a super loan or a top athlete if you start exercising. Everyone has to start somewhere. So stop comparing yourself to others. And the more often you do something, the more skilled you become.

5. 'Exercise feels like an obligation and that's why I don't feel like it at all'

Sports is often linked to a kind of punishment, because you have to do your best to, for example, want to lose those excess kilos. But of course it doesn't get any better than that. It is better to focus on the things that exercise brings you. And it is also important that you really find something that you enjoy doing. So if the gym doesn't help you, take a look at point 2 where you can get ideas to make sports more fun.