Rain or shine, sometimes you can't avoid going outside. With these tips you will – hopefully – cycle without slipping.
Have you been cycling with soft tires for ages? Now is not the time to pump them up. With softer tires you have more grip, because the tires are slightly wider.
Read also: 'How healthy is cycling?'
When you brake, you are more likely to slip with one of your tires. So don't cycle too fast, slow down naturally and don't brake too hard.
If you are about to fall, it is easier to put your feet on the ground to prevent a fall.
There is often accumulated snow on the edges, stay away from that. Can you see the asphalt glitter? Then there is probably ice there, so dodge.
There is not snow every day, so cycling through the snow is different from your everyday bike ride, but don't cycle too slowly. It sounds a bit crazy, but by cycling a little faster you can prevent a slip. By going a little faster, you cut the snow better and prevent wobbling.