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The ideal exercise week

How often should you exercise per week for the best results? That differs per person, depending on your goal, but also (family) life and work. To offer you something to hold on to, Marije has developed the ideal exercise week.

This is a training program that forms a good basis for all goals, but also contains the necessary training forms to keep your body and mind in optimal shape.

The ideal exercise week contains the following four elements:

1. An intense cardio workout of 30 to 60 minutes once a week. Think of Bodyattack, spinning/RPM, Steps, Bodycombat/boxing training or dance lessons such as Zumba, Bootcamp, running and swimming.

2. 30 to 60 minutes of strength training once a week. Think of Bodypump, ClubJoy Power, fitness, but also Bodybalance, yoga and Pilates.

3. At least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every day. An hour is better! Think of cycling to work, walking the dog, gardening, cleaning.

4. At least 10 minutes of physical relaxation every day. That is, a physical activity that you enjoy. This could be yoga, or something that falls into the moderately intense exercise category, such as cycling, dancing, or walking. You relax while you exert yourself, that's what matters. With this activity you complete the ideal exercise week.

Developing the ideal exercise week takes time and patience. It is 1. important that you build up the training program, on the other hand it is important that you implement changes step by step. If you want to change everything at once, you are asking too much of your focus and motivation.

How do you develop the ideal exercise week?
How to build up and develop the ideal exercise week is explained (including) step-by-step plan in my book Fitness Bible for women. Order the book via and you will receive it for free at home.

Go for it!


The ideal exercise week
This blog is a contribution of Marije de Vries (1981). She runs and works as a trainer and coach within the fitness industry and business. With a change program she developed, she helps thousands of men, women and employees make the transition to an ideal lifestyle every year. Every week she writes a blog for Santé.

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