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This is how you get your intestines in top condition

A healthy intestinal flora is essential for your health. Now that we know how important healthy digestion is for your body, it's time to act. This is how you keep your intestines in top condition.

A healthy intestinal flora requires sufficient fiber. Did you know that in the Netherlands we have far too little fibres food? The recommended daily amount is 30 to 40 grams, but on average we only eat 15 to 23 grams of fiber per day. And that while fiber – and especially prebiotic fibers – play an important role in digestion and contribute to a healthy intestinal function. Time to do something about this!


You have probably seen it before:prebiotics and probiotics † But what exactly is the difference? Probiotics are living gut bacteria and you have to feed those gut bacteria. With fiber. And you can subdivide those fibers into soluble fibers and insoluble fibers.

This is how you get your intestines in top condition This is how you get your intestines in top condition


The fibers that are not broken down and absorbed by our body form the food for the bacteria in our gut. You call those fibers prebiotics. Prebiotics is a collective name for substances that promote the growth of certain types of bacteria in your body. In short, it is the food for the microbiome (that's what you call the bacteria in your body). They are crucial for a healthy intestinal flora.

A strong immune system

Prebiotics can be found in vegetables, fruit, bread, grain products and legumes – in short:fiber-rich food. They make your immune system stronger, support your gut, ensure a healthy metabolism and contribute to an overall healthy weight.

How do you get more fiber?

It is now clear:taking good care of your intestines has many health benefits. Only… how exactly do you do that? And how can you get more fiber? So…

1. Eat plant-based

Fiber is found in whole grain products, but also in vegetables, fruit, nuts and legumes. A bit of a bargain, but we would like to repeat it again:with a varied plant-based diet you will quickly get enough dietary fiber. If you eat enough dietary fiber, this is good for your gut bacteria and you keep a feeling of satiety for longer after eating. So a win-win!

2. Spice it up!

Use lots of fresh herbs! That not only gives extra taste, but it is also good for your intestines. Use ginger, anise, coriander, chamomile, flat-leaf parsley, rosemary, lemon balm, fennel or spearmint in or with your food.

3. Water, water, water

Fibres act like a sponge and need moisture. So:with a fibre-rich diet should have enough water. Drink at least two liters of water a day to prevent constipation. Do you find it difficult to drink enough? Put a filled bottle or glass next to you – this will cause you to unconsciously drink more water. Do you find water a bit boring? With a slice of orange or lemon, a piece of cucumber or a sprig of rosemary you can make your water healthy and tasty. and do you know these fiber chewable tablets already?


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